Tapping Test app released
This week, I’ve released another app to the App Store: Tapping Test.
It’s guiding you through the finger tap test to give hints on cognitive load. You measure your tapping speed and compare it to the last test. If you don’t even come near your past baseline, this can be a sign of overall fatigue.
This is no medical advice, mind you.
I wanted to do this app for so long because I wanted to find out when I have to enter a deloading phase in my exercise plan. To find out when I overdid it, I can use the finger tap test to gather some data.

I have to admit, though, my plan doesn’t look all that exciting when viewed from a birds-eye view, with all exercise details stripped away:
- Monday: Strength training at 12 o’clock, circuit training (cardio) at noon
- Tuesday: Strength training at 12 o’clock, circuit training (cardio) at noon
- Wednesday: Sprinting and other peak-speed exercises
- Thursday: Strength training at 12 o’clock, circuit training (cardio) at noon
- Friday: Strength training at 12 o’clock, circuit training (cardio) at noon
- Saturday: Sprinting and other peak-speed exercises

Anyway, I usually have a load/deload cycle of four weeks total, with one week of deload. This gives me time to recover, but in the long term, I still have to take another step back and take it easy. The finger tap test is said to help you find out when it’s time.
So I now added the Tapping Test app to my arsenal of workout auto-regulation tools. Also, it’s the first of a series of tools for ImprovedEating.com. ImprovedEating is a popular German blog about health and nutrition. There are various tools in the making to help developing healthy habits. More on that soon.
Get the Tapping Test app for $.99 on the App Store!
It syncs across devices via iCloud. I’m working on adding charts and automated test assessments. All coming in the following weeks.
I still need a few more people to help me with usability testing so I can work out interface quirks. If you’re interested, drop me a mail: christian.tietze
at gmail.com
. I’ll send a promo code to the first ten people or so.
So that’s one part of what I’ve been busy with in the past weeks. I didn’t find a lot of time to write, but I’m glad this app is finally shipping. I’ll uncover what other project I’m working on early next week.