OpenMoji Support in emacs-emojify

If you have no dignity (like me), you might enjoy displaying emoji in Emacs. I actually really like that when composing/reading email, and when I want to add colorful stuff like stars in my to-do lists.
There’s this package, emacs-emojify, you might want to check out. When you install the package, it will download EmojiOne images by default. You can set up your own, and I found the OpenMoji set to look very nice. Clear lines, crisp shapes, very recognizable expressions in big and small sizes. Love it.
OpenMoji is open source, and I took their 72px color PNG exports from their v13.0 release from GitHub and imported them in emacs-emojify
. The file name pattern matches (it’s unicode code points + .png
), so I only had to point emacs-emojify
to the new folder, and that was it.
By now, my pull requests went through and OpenMoji support will ship with an upcoming release of emacs-emojify