Marco ( posted a list of alternatives. From that list, I filtered out MAS-only and Chinese-subtitled apps: I’m running Ice at the moment. You can organize menu bar icons into “always hidden” and just “hidden”. The latter will reveal itself when you e.g. click on the menu bar, the former won’t by default. You can bind shortcuts to show either or both of these groups.
This week, I’ve released another app to the App Store: Tapping Test. It’s guiding you through the finger tap test to give hints on cognitive load. You measure your tapping speed and compare it to the last test. If you don’t even come near your past baseline, this can be a sign of overall fatigue.
I’m working on something pretty cool. The project website is in the making. Until then, I want to sketch what it is: a iOS event template builder. Also, I’m working on an ebook which covers the app development process.