Jiggle GCD Queues to Find Problems
To debug my threading issues and help bring forth future problems, I have created a simmple object that slows the current queue down:
let IsRunningTests = NSClassFromString("XCTestCase") != nil
struct QueueJigglePoint {
/// Randomly interfere with the thread.
static func jiggle() {
guard !IsRunningTests else { return }
usleep(2*1000000) // 2 seconds
I got this idea from Brett Schuchert on pages 188–90 of Uncle Bob’s Clean Code. A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship. There, interference with traditional threading should randomly sleep, yield, or fall through. Enqueued blocks are a lot less volatile, so I only came up with sleeping.
Randomizing the sleep interval is up next. But a fixed number of 2–10 seconds helps find UI-blocking code already.
Just throw in a QueueJigglePoint.jiggle()
in NSManagedObjectContext.performBlock
executions, when dispatching async to the background, or when reading files, for example.