Masterclass of Decoupling: Diablo II Resurrected

Decoupling is hard work, especially when taken to extremes – as the team of Diablo II did when they decoupled the whole rendering stack of the original game from the rest of the engine to reuse both independently. Today I learned that Diablo II Resurrected is a true remaster: new 3D graphics, but the engine hasn’t changed. In an interview with Eurogamer, Rob Gallerani pointed out that

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Example of High Cohesion and Low Coupling with Presenter, View, and View Model

Here’s a short definition of the two terms: Cohesion is about how well elements within a module belong together and serve a common purpose. Coupling is about how much one module depends or interacts with other modules. Thus, cohesion is an intra-module concern whereas coupling cuts across modules [aka inter-module].

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Reactive Code is Sequentially Cohesive

Reactive, declarative code is sequentially cohesive: you have a sequence of events and reactions to events, and it’s pieces are tied together real close. The processing chain itself is then a function or feature of the app. The chain of operators is a thing itself; the step-by-step transformation is then reified into a sequence in one place: it has a beginning, an end, a sequential order of steps.

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What to Do When You Want to Affect the Order of Subscription Callbacks in ReSwift

This blog post was originally meant as a reply to the ReSwift issue “Any way to control the priority of subscription callbacks?” – If you find asking yourself this question, this should help. This implementation detail is hidden by design. If you find yourself wanting to affect the order of subscription callbacks, there’s a concept of a sequence waiting to be extracted somehow. Or, the other way around: if you want to affect the order, your design is wonky.

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