Swift Selector Syntax Sugar

The gist of the article is that we can omit the verbose #selector syntax by adding a convenience property:

private extension Selector {
    static let buttonTapped = 
button.addTarget(self, action: .buttonTapped, 
    forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside)

I’d make that not private but internal and group these in a struct to separate them from other Selector stuff:

extension Selector {
    // One for each view module ...
    struct Banana {
        static let changeSizeTapped = 

    struct Potato {
        static let peelSelected = 

// ...

button.addTarget(self, action: .Potato.peelSelected, 
    forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside)

Great tip!

Extending Types with a Conversion Factory: Where Should You Put It?

In a post about the Swift reflection API, I found the conversion code from a Bookmark struct to a Core Data object interesting. Let’s call the latter ManagedBookmark.

What puzzles me: which object should be responsible for the adaptation from one to the other?

  1. Bookmark converts itself to a NSManagedObject using a NSManagedObjectContext you also have to pass in. (That’s what Benedikt did in his post.)
  2. ManagedBookmark provides an initializer or other factory taking in a Bookmark and, as always with managed objects, a NSManagedObjectContext.

Option 2 is pretty clear. Using Bookmarks public interface, the managed object will set its attributes. This requires a NSManagedObject subclass wheras option 1 can work with a dictionary of values.

My main worry is that in option 1 Bookmark, a value type of the application, has to have knowledge about Core Data. Usually we’d fare better if we separate Core Data from our own model.

With extensions in Swift (and categories in Objective-C) we have the power to add new behavior to existing types in other locations. Does this help?

Extending a type in a different file hides that detail at first sight – but the extension, when it’s not private, is available in the rest of the code base, too. It just appears as if you put the code in the type definition itself.

Now if Bookmark is included in a “Bookmarking” module you import, an extension can add behavior without mixing Core Data visibly into the model layer. The Bookmarking module will not get altered when you extend one of its types in the client code.

I like organizing Swift code in modules because the boundaries are very strict. You cannot cheat yourself into mixing responsibilities and blurring boundaries that easily.