Generics in Objective-C
Objective-C got generics! No more collection classes just for the sake of guarding against invalid elements!
I used custom collection classes a lot for the Word Counter to let the compiler help me prevent mistakes. Swift generics were a godsend for that kind of safety. Now, Objective-C can achieve similar awesomeness.
It can look like this:
@interface Wheel : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *color;
@interface Vehicle : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray<Wheel *> *wheels;
Now the compiler will warn (!) you if you misuse it:
Vehicle *car = [[Vehicle alloc] init];
[car.wheels addObject:@"NSString is of the wrong type"];
Great news, since if you didn’t spend a lot of time creating custom collection types yourself, now at last can you ensure array element type consistency. Makes your code cleaner and more reliable.