Dynamic Actor Isolation Can Help During the Transitional Phase

Matt Massicotte:

Making just one type @MainActor can result in cascade of errors at all usage sites where the compiler now cannot provide that MainActor guarantee. This virality can make it really hard to incrementally adopt concurrency with targeted changes. Perhaps that’s not too big a deal for smaller code bases/teams, but I bet this is a killer for big projects. So what do you do?

You make use of dynamic isolation to contain the spread!

Instead of throwing (static) type annotations around, you can ease into the adoption of actor isolation with (dynamic) preconditions and running blocks of structured and unscructured concurrent code.

Async XCTest Assertion Helpers

SwiftAsyncAssert by Angu (@angu@techhub.social):

Instead of writing

import XCTest

func test_should_succeed() async {
    do {
        let isTrue = try await shouldSucceed()
    } catch {
        XCFail("Should not throw an error")

conveniently write

import SwiftAsyncAssert

func test_should_succeed() async {
    await AsyncAssertTrue(try await shouldSucceed())

func test_should_throwError() async {
    await AsyncAssertThrowsError(try await shouldFail())

Less code for your convenience when testing!

I ran into this, too, recently and wondered how everyone’s dealing with this. Because this is so annoying, I expected more outcries on the interwebs every day.

Maybe nobody is writing tests?

Either way: These helpers look very nice, and I’ll try them for sure. Should be part of the XCTest libray in my opinion. I seriously wonder why there’s no async XCTest assertion functions for this already.

If you’re just running into this for main actor isolation: One workaround that got suggested to me is to annotate the XCTestCase subclass itself with @MainActor to circumvent having to await isolated calls everywhere. (That doesn’t help for non-main actor-isolated calls, obviously.)

I'll be writing a Word Counter Swift module fully East-Oriented

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The Word Counter is my biggest software project so far, and it’s growing. To add features, I discovered the use of Swift modules with joy. I can write code for all levels of the new feature in isolation in a new project that compiles fast. Later I plug the resulting project and module into the Word Counter, et voilà: feature finished.

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