Using Type Markers for 'is' Type Predicates to Cover Generic Types

Maybe you have some old code (you wouldn’t write this nowadays, of course) that uses someValue is SomeType checks. Maybe you need to check if someValue is a generic type, like the following Box: Then your is predicates won’t work: The good news is that since you treat the concrete type as a mere marker, you can express this condition with a type marker protocol:

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Protocol Madness: Comparing Apples to Oranges from the Vantage Point of Fruit

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Brent Simmons starts with Swift. And just as I, he struggles with value types, protocols, and generics: once a protocol references another or has a dependency on Self, you cannot use it as a type constraint or placeholder for all descending objects. You either have to use generics to expose a variant for each concrete type, or you re-write the protocol. There’s no equivalent to the way Objective-C did this: something like id<TheProtocol> just doesn’t exist. Swift is stricter. So how do you deal with that?

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Generics in Objective-C

Objective-C got generics! No more collection classes just for the sake of guarding against invalid elements!

I used custom collection classes a lot for the Word Counter to let the compiler help me prevent mistakes. Swift generics were a godsend for that kind of safety. Now, Objective-C can achieve similar awesomeness.

It can look like this:

@interface Wheel : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *color;

@interface Vehicle : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray<Wheel *> *wheels;

Now the compiler will warn (!) you if you misuse it:

Vehicle *car = [[Vehicle alloc] init];
[car.wheels addObject:@"NSString is of the wrong type"];

Great news, since if you didn’t spend a lot of time creating custom collection types yourself, now at last can you ensure array element type consistency. Makes your code cleaner and more reliable.