Zettelkasten (Not) Needed?

As the saying goes, if the title of a post is a question, the answer is “no”. I don’t know how you would sensibly apply that to this one 🙂 Most of the days, for most of the time, I’m a software developer. I code, I plan, I think and learn. At other times, I’m writing things: on this blog, for book manuscripts, as letters and email; to plan, to help, to teach and to share.

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Timestamps with Weekdays

I’ve recently created a note in my Zettelkasten with a structure I haven’t used before: a timeline. It’s basically an enumerated list with 40 items and a divider that marks “now”. Things above the divide are in the past; things below the divide are in the future. I’m collecting rough things to keep in mind below the divide (like a GTD tickler file would). Above the divide, the granularity increases as I track individual things that happened.

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11 or so Android Ebook Reader Apps for Academic Writing Workflows: Annotations are Hard

Here’s my personal comparison of Android ebook readers for my Boox eink tablet. I would love to add drawings as annotations. Ratta Supernote devices do this splendidly by storing the pencil input directly, without handwriting recognition. (Example here.) This is the gold standard. Everything else requires multiple apps (to draw a diagram, for example) and import/export (of notes or EPUB book locations), which is also acceptable, but not ideal.

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Boox NeoReader Annotation Export Is Meh

When you use the built-in “NeoReader” on a Boox tablet, you get the best pencil input and quite good highlighting and annotation support. If you don’t have a Onyx Boox eink tablet with that app installed, don’t bother looking for it on the Android/Google Play Store – that app is not available anywhere else, it seems. And the app of the same name on the Play Store is a QR Code Reader.

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Fetch Personalized Command Explanations with 'um' from Your Terminal

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I stumbled upon this page: http://ratfactor.com/cards/um Dave Gauer describes how he has a shell script, um, that he can use as a man replacement to help remember how to use a command. Dave’s implementation uses the cards} from his own Wiki, because the um pages there are “consolidated, I won’t forget about them, it’s easy to list, create, and update pages.” (To be honest, though, I can’t figure out where his um cards actually are, and what they look like.)

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Zettelkasten Method Introduction

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Sascha wrote an introduction to the Zettelkasten Method, and after months of editing and polishing, we finally published in online!

What’s a Zettelkasten, you ask?

Think personal wiki of knowledge. But instead of merely cartographing what is in the world, you create new stuff from the things you collect, building up layers upon layers of ideas by connecting what you already have, and then making a big hypertext from it.

At first you have atomic ideas, then you begin to link them and think and write about their connection.

In other words, it’s a way to add layers of abstractions to your thinking and writing.

I use something like it for 11+ years now and the amount of cross-connections is very cool. Also, by using my Zettelkasten properly, I “accidentally” prepare blog posts for this site: every note is self-contained and written in a semi-publishable manner, so I could just copy and paste notes together to make an article. That’s the sweetest part of it: how it accelerates my writing.

Check out the intro and see how simple the actual implementation is.

Processing David Epstein: Range (S01E04)

I uploaded another episode of the video series where I document how someone might process reading notes from a book after reading it. I don’t have any Range related project, so here I’m just processing the book from start to finish instead of looking for anything in particular.

This episode is shorter, because I didn’t find many useful ideas in Chapter 3. And the ideas I did find interesting were not citable, so I had to look the originals up. That took most of the time, but did ultimately not produce many new notes. It’s interesting that after a couple of session I already begin to form an opinion of the quality of Epstein’s research. There’s lots of endnotes, but the quality is … well, enjoy this episode to find out more!

Episode list:

  • Episode 1: Introduction
  • Episode 2: Chapter 1, “The Cult of the Head Start”
  • Episode 3: Chapter 2, “How the Wicked World Was Made”
  • Episode 4: Chapter 3, “When Less of the Same Is More”
  • Episode 5: Chapter 4, “Learning, Fast and Slow”
  • Episode 6: Chapter 5, “Thinking Outside Experience”

Processing David Epstein: Range (S01E03)

Another episode went live today – earlier than the last weeks, because I’ll be travelling to Frankfurt for the Macoun conference from Thursday to Sunday.

This chapter was harder to process. There seemed to be parts missing in the story. Maybe I’m too sloppy and haven’t noticed the missing pieces? Either way, something’s amiss in Range land. I also notice that the topics from chapter 1 were connected to the topics here somehow, but it’s just a hunch how things will fit together eventually. I’m looking forward to the next episodes, because I hope it “clicks” and I know how to split the sequence of notes in the structure note up into new Zettel notes and then work with the more powerful web of notes instead of this monolithic book overview.

Episode list:

  • Episode 1: Introduction
  • Episode 2: Chapter 1, “The Cult of the Head Start”
  • Episode 3: Chapter 2, “How the Wicked World Was Made”
  • Episode 4: Chapter 3, “When Less of the Same Is More”
  • Episode 5: Chapter 4, “Learning, Fast and Slow”
  • Episode 6: Chapter 5, “Thinking Outside Experience”

Processing David Epstein: Range (S01E02)

I uploaded episode two of the book processing video series on David Epstein’s book Range:

In this episode, I process the few highlights from Chapter 1. I end up with many more links than last time already. I also employ the method of creating a forward-link, i.e. adding a link to a note that does not exist but that I need at a certain location in my structure note, then add the details. The upside: you already have 1 connection!

Episode list:

  • Episode 1: Introduction
  • Episode 2: Chapter 1, “The Cult of the Head Start”
  • Episode 3: Chapter 2, “How the Wicked World Was Made”
  • Episode 4: Chapter 3, “When Less of the Same Is More”
  • Episode 5: Chapter 4, “Learning, Fast and Slow”
  • Episode 6: Chapter 5, “Thinking Outside Experience”

Processing a Book to Extract Notes, a Video

For the Zettelkasten knowledge project, I’ve recorded and cut my first video. The process was a pain, and I think I’m going to write about it later – but for now, I’m happy with the result and very proud to have finished this mini project.

It’s part of an ongoing series to demonstrate the method we talk about on our blog. Here’s the video:

Comments are very, very welcome. So head over to the forums and tell us what you think of it!

Episode list:

  • Episode 1: Introduction
  • Episode 2: Chapter 1, “The Cult of the Head Start”
  • Episode 3: Chapter 2, “How the Wicked World Was Made”
  • Episode 4: Chapter 3, “When Less of the Same Is More”
  • Episode 5: Chapter 4, “Learning, Fast and Slow”
  • Episode 6: Chapter 5, “Thinking Outside Experience”

The Archive – Mac App Beta

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The Archive screenshot
Early development preview of The Archive

My latest project is about to be ready: it’s a strictly plain text note-taking application. If you know our writing over at the Zettelkasten Method blog, you will know the method I’m incorporating in this app. Everything revolves about flexibility and your ownership of the notes. Plus the amazingly productive method itself is baked right into the app to guide your workflow.

Sign up here for a beta invitation in early May:


Zettelkasten Posts Moved

Since we started the Zettelkasten blog, it became weirder and weirder to keep the old posts here. I found the split among domains unfortunate.

Today, I’ve moved all Zettelkasten-related posts to the project blog at Zettelkasten.de. The old addresses won’t change, and your comments have persisted, too.

Thanks for visiting this blog, and thanks for caring about what I write! If you’re still interested in personal information management, head over to the new place. If you’re into programming, though, stay here.

How I Prepare to Work on a Research and Writing Project

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How do I deal with reading and research projects for University? I plan and prepare the work. This is the second post of the Summer Knowledge Challenge: here, I tell you about the first step, extracting reading notes from Justice for Hedgehogs and preparing the project. The procedure I describe applies to other University assignments and writing projects as well.

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Introducing Myself on Zettelkasten.de

As I have announced last week, I’m going to move a lot of my Zettelkasten-related writing to the project website at zettelkasten.de.

To deal with my forgetfulness, I have learned to install useful habits and techniques into my life. I believe you have to have a working task management in place which watches your back while you do hard work, like researching and writing. Task management is there to keep real life at bay. You need both to succeed. My journey as a knowledge worker and writer began when I finally got stuff done.

Like Sascha, I have started with an introduction of myself. Since I never really told you how I came to find out about the tool called “Zettelkasten”, you might want to read it, too.

Composing and Revising – The Two Modes of Writing

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Since I recently released the Word Counter for Mac, I have given more thought to the process of writing itself, especially since your comments on writing vs editing started to pour in. I count my words to increase my productivity as a writer. “But!”, people exclaimed, “How do you account for rewrites, deletions, and correcting grammar?” By dividing composing from revising.

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Challenge: Apply the Knowledge Cycle to Reading a Single Book

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I plan to write a long term paper at University later this year. It’s going to be about the book Justice for Hedgehogs by Ronald Dworkin, and I’ll be able to mostly work with this single source exclusively. Consequently, there won’t be much additional research. How does the Knowledge Cycle apply if you read a book and don’t do research? I invite you to take the “Summer Knowledge Challenge” and find out with me.

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Feed for All Zettelkasten Posts

You can now subscribe to the posts tagged with “Zettelkasten only. I created a new feed which you can find here. With this feed, you get the Zettelkasten stuff without all the other news. The thing is that you’ll miss all the productivity tips which have nothing to do with the Zettelkasten method.

Don’t know what a feed is and wonder what your browser displays when you click on the link? The US Government website got you covered:

It’s an easy way for you to keep up with news and information that’s important to you, and helps you avoid the conventional methods of browsing or searching for information on websites.

Feeds are means to subscribe to website updates. The updates get pushed into your feed reader inbox, just like e-mail. This is far better than checking pages you like manually all the time. In Firefox, for example, you can bookmark website feeds and get an auto-updating list of new articles in your bookmarks bar. Most modern browsers got plug-ins to subscribe to feeds. Also, see a list of feed readers on Wikipedia for inspiration.

I use Fever to subscribe to other websites’ feeds.

If you didn’t know, the feed for all kinds of posts on this website is here. Subscribe to this one to receive notifications for all posts to this here “Worklog” of mine.

Use a Short Knowledge Cycle to Keep Your Cool

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It’s important to manage working time. Managing to-do lists is just one part of the equation to getting things done when it comes to immersive creative work where we need to make progress for a long time to complete the project. To ensure we make steady progress, we need to stay on track and handle interruptions and breaks well. A short Knowledge Cycle will help to get a full slice of work done multiple times a day, from research to writing. This will help staying afloat and not drown in tasks.

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Include Images in nvALT for a Multi-Media Zettelkasten Experience

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nvALT sports features which are not so well-known. You can make it work with an image repository to easily include images in your Zettel notes. I don’t make heavy use of the preview at all, but when I do, it’s mostly because I want to take a look at images. For this purpose, I decided to stick to a simple folder structure and customize the preview template to work with it.

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Building Blocks of a Zettelkasten

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I am working hard on the “Building Blocks” chapter of the Zettelkasten book and I want to finish it first to show it to the public. It covers all parts of the toolkit. To sketch a structure and talk about its components, I need to get the requirements and implementation done before talking about workflow details. Today, I want to show you a birds-eye view of the overarching systems metaphor I’m using in the book.

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The Zettelkasten Platform – 2 Ways You Can Contribute

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Today, I’m thrilled to announce the next step in the Zettelkasten.de platform. I offer two exciting ways to contribute to the overall project: a central tools collection, and river of news. This way, we can create a unified base where the online discussion is aggregated so that everyone can follow easily. It will be a useful resource for anyone who wants to find out more about knowledge management and implementing the Zettelkasten method.

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SlipBox (Mac) Note Archive Review

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SlipBox is a Mac-only application with iPad/iPhone companion apps to manage a note archive. When I found out about the app, I was curious about its ability to traverse a organically growing, tree-like ontology of keywords. That’s the app’s killer feature. SlipBox didn’t disappoint, but I come to the conclusion that it is best suited for project-based note databases.

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Using nvALT as a Zettel Note Archive

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I want to start this series of reviews with a software I’m fairly familiar with. While most things apply to the Notational Velocity base application, I will talk about nvALT exclusively in this review. nvALT is a fork by Brett Terpstra and David Halter of the original Notational Velocity, which was created by Zachary Schneirov, and a few modifications by yours truly. It’s Open Source, free, and very popular.

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Baseline for Zettelkasten Software Reviews

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I’m going to take a close look at applications to find out which are suitable to implement the Zettelkasten note archive. I already talked about reference managers. While reference managers can be switched pretty easily, migrating a database of notes is far from being a trivial task, depending on the software you used in the past. Therefore, we have to chose how to implement the note archive with great care. Here you’ll find my criteria.

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The Need to Craft

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My last posts were rather prescriptive by nature. Before I start sprinkling in the casual software reviews, I want to slow down a bit and change the pace. Lately, I wondered why I do things. My answer is pretty plain, and I’d like to know what drives you to worry about organizing information. So I’ll begin to share, and then you may, if you like.

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Reading Habits: Putting It All Together

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I am moving next month, and so I though about getting rid of stuff in my life. There are lots of books I’ve read, but from which I never processed all the notes. I know for sure that at I finished least one book in the collection about two years ago! You see, I was, and still am, vulnerable to the Collector’s Fallacy. While I try to get through the pile of books, I reviewed my reading process. This is a summary where I put together some of the topics I already wrote about

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You Only Find What You Have Identified

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I want to answer the question: Why are unique identifiers useful when you work with a Zettelkasten? The objective of a Zettelkasten note archive is to store notes and allow connections. Both are necessary to extend our mind and memory. As long as the software you use doesn’t provide any means to create links between notes, you have to come up with your own convention. Even if the software did provide such a mechanism, I’d suggest you think twice about relying on it: I want to evade vendor lock-in for my Zettelkasten, and I think you should, too. So let’s assume you don’t care about the software and create your own hyperlink scheme.

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Learn Faster by Writing Zettel Notes

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As a knowledge worker, you have to learn a lot in your field. The internet is full of information, and there’s the books you just have to know in and out. How do you speed up the process and learn efficiently? Scott Young learned linear algebra in 10 days due to a very efficient method. It works for other fields of knowledge as well. The “Drilldown Method” consists of three stages:

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Note-Taking when Reading the Web and RSS

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In the last post, I detailed that collecting texts may become a tempting replacement for obtaining real knowledge, but also that collecting in itself doesn’t get us anywhere. I called this the “Collector’s Fallacy”. I think we need to conquer this lazy, stuff-hoarding part of ourselves with good knowledge management habits.

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The Collector’s Fallacy

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There’s a tendency in all of us to gather useful stuff and feel good about it. To collect is a reward in itself. As knowledge workers, we’re inclined to look for the next groundbreaking thought, for intellectual stimulation: we pile up promising books and articles, and we store half the internet as bookmarks, just so we get the feeling of being on the cutting edge.

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Preparing Fragments Helps You to Ease Into Writing

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A Zettelkasten makes writing texts easy. It encourages you to prepare research and the most of your writing before you compile your first draft. This way you can focus on one task at a time and needn’t sweat about getting through. This works excruciatingly well with longer texts but it’s proven indispensable for any of my shorter writing projects, too.

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Extend Your Mind and Memory With a Zettelkasten

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A Zettelkasten is a device to extend your mind and memory so you can work with texts efficiently and never forget things again. Both permanent storage and interconnectedness are necessary to use the full potential of an archive for your notes. You need a permanent storage for your notes so they can give a cue for the things you want to remember. You also need to manually connect notes to create a web of notes which adjusts to the way your mind works.

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Announcing a Zettelkasten Info Product

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Recently, I took a look at my Zettelkasten to see which Zettel notes would make a good next post in the series. I re-discovered plenty of material, no doubt. Still, it occurred to me that there’s a lot of important things which don’t fit well in short blog posts and which neither do well when split into a series of posts.

I talked to my pal Sascha about my concerns who has plenty of experience as a writer. He’s running a thriving German blog about nutrition and healthy lifestyle called ImprovedEating which I can only recommend because of the genuine research he’s providing. His blog is a platform to get feedback for the vast amount of research material for the upcoming book he’s writing for about a year now.

The point is: Sascha is a blogger, a book author and a Zettelkasten user. Without a Zettelkasten, he wouldn’t be able to manage all the material he’s researched so far. Of course I wanted him to give me some feedback.

We considered the vast amount of notes on maintaining a Zettelkasten both of us collected through the years. In the end, we decided to create an information product together, that is: a book.

Thanks to our efficient note-taking method, the book will be available soon for feedback from early adopters. I’m pretty excited about this project and I’ll definitely keep you in the loop!

Manage Citations for a Zettelkasten

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Today, we’ll talk about tools for a change. Managing a reference file is part of the collection phase of maintaining a Zettelkasten. It’s of special importance if you’re writing a research paper or a book because without proper citation management things are going to be a mess for you, soon. I’ll show you how I do it and tell you about possible alternatives briefly.

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Making Proper Marks in Books

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Highlighting texts

My reading workflow consists of phases similar to the phases in GTD: collect, process, write. This post is about collecting.

Marks aid understanding – but don’t overdo it

When you read a book, do you underline words or sentences or whole paragraphs? Do you use a colored text highlighter, a ballpoint pen or a pencil?

Manfred Kuehn thinks the way you treat a book is a sign of how civilized a reader you are. If you paint the pages you don’t know a lot about getting information and treating books. Also, underlining is utterly useless in most cases: you don’t magically remember the content better if you underline it word for word, sentence by sentence. Underlining won’t help you remember; marks are there to aid understanding in a later phase of reading.

Despite Kuehn’s point, you’re not supposed to consider yourself a caveman just because you use colored pens to put marks in texts: Umberto Eco states in How to Write a Dissertation1 that you should use different colors for different questions, topics, points of view, and he says you should mark passages in color for revisiting the text.160 According to Eco, it’s useful to color-code your marks and reflect this code in your notes.

I agree that you should neither ruin other people’s property nor their reading experience of library books by painting the book’s pages, though. That’s just ruthless. But you’ll need to mark passages for further reference, else you’ll forget what you found important in the first place. So because you have to, use a pencil and erase your marks later if the book wasn’t yours. If you’re going to re-read the text and use it during future research, buy the book and use colored pencils if you like.

When I read, I collect everything that’s useful on paper. I practice ‘writing while reading’, if you like. Writing improves thinking, remember?

My collection phase consists of both putting marks in the margins and writing notes:

  1. I put pencil marks in both my own and library books. Nowadays, I simple put a dot • in the page margin to find the passage I want to pick up later. These little visual guides ease scanning the page.
  2. The text inspired a thought, and the inspiring part is already marked in the text. I only need to capture the thought during the collection phase. I used to write notes in the margins to remember what I had thought in re-reads of the book. Now, though, I write a summary or a unique thought on separate pieces of paper which I can physically pull out of the text.

Both the mark and the note will be useful when I process the text later. True understanding depends upon elaborate notes which I put into my Zettelkasten. I’ll expand the processing phase in another post.

Getting Fancy with Marks

For academic reading, I employ a tactic which is slightly more complex. My good friend Sascha suggested to divide text into its functionings:

  • I circle terms which are being defined and write a D for Definition in the margin.
  • When the author elaborates a model, I put an M or μ in the margin and maybe highlight key terms she uses.
  • If I spot an argument, I put an A or α in the margin and sometimes draw a vertical line in the margin to designate the passage.
  • Everytime I find a weakness in the argument or disagree due to a different starting point, I put a bolt glyph in the margin.

These glyphs I only use for texts in philosophy and sociology which tend to be more complex and need to be broken down into manageable parts. In nearly every other fiction and non-fiction book it’ll suffice to take note and aid the eye with unobstrusive marks.

Please tell me more about your own reading habits!

  1. I couldn’t find an English translation of Eco’s Come si fa una tesi di laurea. The German translation (affiliate link) is very popular, though. I cite this one. 

Create a Zettelkasten for your Notes to Improve Thinking and Writing

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Assuming you’re a writer or a thinker, why should you care about the way you take notes? If you want to think creatively and write original articles and books, you need to form associations in your mind effectively. Notes can help you with that if you adhere to a few basic principles. You can emulate communication processes with your own notes if you structure them in a certain manner. Notes can and should stimulate new associations and foster your creativity just like a good talk does.

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Multi-Markup Notational Velocity

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I integrated recent changes to Zachary Schneirov’s original NV into my code base. Most issues you were reporting should be solved just by that baby step. The other new and cool stuff is: I’m constantly trying to decouple the code Zachary (“scrod”) wrote. It works fine as-is, but it’s not easy to change and add features while keeping up to date with Zachary’s code. Merging everything every now and then is a little risky. I want my code to be an easy addition, ideally not touching anything from the original. That is just plain impossible, but thinking about it should indeed help me improve my code in many ways. I still can’t grasp how easy it is to do all these small changes. Incredible!

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Too many Notational Velocity forks?

Note that no one’s forking it to remove features. One Thing Well

There’s an implicit argument I disagree with: Since we’re dealing with apps which do One Thing Well here, the quotation may just as well state: “look! how they make the program less focused on a single task but make it more complex instead.”

This, in my mind, basically means either (1) Notational Velocity in its original form was just perfect, hence the impossibility of removing stuff, or (2) Notational Velocity wasn’t perfect but doing one thing well and we developers jumped in and broke the golden rule.

I disagree to that second possible conclusion, partly because I wholeheartedly agree to the first one.

All of us “forkers” try to make something entirely new out of NV. I want to transform it into a text editor for (Multi)Markdown files. Other want a full-screen writing environment. I don’t want to add features to Notational Velocity. I want to change it; and I for my part am pretty certain that it will eventually evolve into something else, a consistent tool for the task of managing notes in my digital archive (Zettelkasten).

I use NV to navigate notes lightning fast, I do not compose them there. I rely on the aid of TextMate’s powerful features there.

My personal aim will be a toolset which combines Notational Velocity browsing with TextMate editing and Markdown-powered preview. I could continue to work with Finder and TextMate alone. Only thing was, it’s a pain in the butt, it was especially painful to search and browse notes. My system evolves around the possibility of changing its parts. Just give us hobby developers time to get our grips onto the code and getting up to speed with our ideas. Some may improve Notational Velocity for one purpose or another, some may break it entirely in the eyes of the userbase. And hopefully, new tools will emerge and prove useful in their own right and their niche.

Introducing MultiMarkdown Notational Velocity

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Theres a new Notational Velocity fork available on the interwebs. What makes it unique? So far, it’s the MultiMarkdown support–and you can choose if you want MultiMarkdown included in a bundle with Notational Velocity or rather a Notational Velocity binary which supports your local setup, assumed to reside at ~/Library/Application Support/MultiMarkdown/.

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